Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Kitten-Proof your Home

When you are ready to bring a new kitten home, you should ensure that you have a safe environment for your new bundle of fur.
Keep raw meat, potpourri, medications, small objects, household cleaners, candles and electrical wires out of reach of your kitten. Be mindful that your cat can and may jump on counter tops. Because cats are so agile and known to climb to high places, you should make sure that dangerous objects are far out of reach, or locked away in an area where your cat cannot access them. Keep a sealed garbage bin that your cat cannot get into.
House plants can pose as a serious threat to many cats. A lot of common household plants can be toxic to your cat when ingested. Make sure that your plants are in an area safe from your cat, or at least make sure that your house plants are not toxic.
Cords from curtains & blinds look like string toys to kitties. However, cats can get caught in these cords and seriously injured. Keep them wound and secure or otherwise out of your cat’s sight. Additionally, fishing line, yarn, wool and other string fibers can be swallowed by cats and cause intestinal blockage.
Always make sure your kitten isn’t asleep beneath an item of furniture before moving it. Recliners, futons, and drawers may trap or crush a kitten if they are moved without checking first.
Try and keep your toilet lid closed to avoid clumsy kittens falling into it. Additionally, if you have a tub or sink full of water, make sure that your cat cannot access it.
Cats love to crawl into strange places to sleep or hide. Therefore, you should make sure that you always keep your fridge & freezer, washer & dryer, and oven closed or otherwise inaccessible to your new kitten.
Kitten-proofing is all about creating a safe and stress-free environment for you and your new pet. Be cautious and aware of your kitty and what he or she is up to, in order to ensure that he or she is safe. While these are guidelines, you may discover for yourself more areas of the home or objects that need attention when it comes to your individual kitten. Adapt to your kitten’s needs as neccesary.

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