Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Importance of Dog Exercise


 By Kaili Williams from
    Routine exercise is a vital part of your pet’s health needs. Just like their human counterparts, your pet needs regular, daily exercise in order to maintain their optimum weight and health. Regular dog walking, or other forms of active pet play, can relieve stress and destructive behavior, keep bones and joints healthy, and overall extend your pet’s quality of life.
    If you would like to start an exercise routine with your pet, start slow. Just as with people, jumping right into an intense schedule can do more harm than good. You want to ensure that exercise is fun and safe for you and your pet. Start taking a daily 15 minute walk with your dog, and slowly build up time as your dog becomes comfortable with it. Within one or two weeks, you can try moving onto 30 minute dog walks, and then up to hour long dog walks. If your pet enjoys your long walks, and still seems active and energetic afterwards, you may want to move on to dog running or jogging.
    Be mindful of your dogs behavior while you are exercising. Know when your dog is pushing too hard by watching for breathing trouble or signs of fatigue. Always walk your dog with a leash. If you are walking or running with your dog in the dark or low light, make sure that the both of you wear reflectors. Try to keep to natural substrates such as grass or dirt - concrete and gravel can be uncomfortable on pet paws. Check weather reports to ensure that it will be safe to walk. If it is too hot or too cold, a long walk could be harmful. Additionally, it would be wise to avoid getting caught in storms. If you are going on a long walk, make sure that you bring enough fresh water for both yourself and your dog. Finally, If your dog needs to stop and rest, make sure that you allow him or her to.
    If you are in a position where you do not have the time or ability to exercise with your dog, you can always hire a dog walker or runner. Dog walkers can help to ensure that your dog will get the exercise needs he or she requires daily.

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